Fone博士评论2024:最佳iPhone / iPad数据恢复软件?

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还是只是删除了一些数据而没有获得相同数据的备份,还是偶然忘记了在其他设备上还原数据? Fone博士评论,您担心我为您提供最好的解决方案吗?


Just before we jump in I have to inform you that data recovery is just one feature out of many other features available but since we cannot cover everything we will learn about data recovery being the most important function of Dr. Fone.在我们加入之前,我必须通知您,数据恢复只是众多其他功能中的一个功能,但是由于我们无法涵盖所有​​内容,因此我们将了解数据恢复是Fone博士最重要的功能。 Let's read ahead!让我们继续阅读吧!

《 Fone博士评论2024:做到了》 老老实实 深入工作?


这是一款出色的内置应用程序,可以挽救丢失的数据,还可以帮助您管理设备上的文件。 这个应用程式可以在iOS装置和Android装置上运作。

This app was crafted and created by Wondershare and was initially called Data Recovery for iTunes.此应用程序是由Wondershare制作和创建的,最初称为iTunes的数据恢复。 In the year 2013, this software was renamed as在XNUMX年,该软件被更名为 Fone博士 使其听起来像医生的电话。 他们不是很聪明吗?

佛博士ne initially began as a third-part backup device basically for iDevice.”最初是从基本上作为iDevice的第三方备份设备开始的。” But Dr. Fone has done a great evolvement since then, the program was updated many times and the most recent update is a very capable one that helps to retrieve your data and or information for android, iOS devices, and also iPad.但是Fone博士自那时以来取得了长足的进步,该程序已更新了许多次,而最新的更新是一项功能强大的更新,可帮助您为Android,iOS设备以及iPad检索数据和/或信息。

佛博士ne 不仅提供此功能,还能够执行更多其他功能。




由于iOS和iOS都有很多型号 Android this cannot be performed on each and every device.不能在每个设备上执行此操作。 Hence, only a number of specific devices are tested.因此,仅测试了许多特定设备。

1st 测试:

运用 Fone博士 适用于iOS以在iPhone上恢复或还原数据

iPhone的数据恢复基本上分为三个子集。 recovery from the phone itself, recovery of data from从手机本身恢复,从中恢复数据 iTunes,以及从iCloud恢复数据。


So, when the test was conducted on the iPhone, it was observed that the entire data was not recovered.因此,在iPhone上进行测试时,发现无法恢复全部数据。 The data that was recovered was basically in bits and pieces.恢复的数据基本上是零散的。




为此,我想补充一点,Wondershare正在不断升级其程序,这肯定会带来更好的 数据恢复 在iOS中。


此子集基本上是一种技术,可用于通过笔记本电脑或笔记本电脑上的iTunes获取数据 的MacBook。 It connects to your PC and helps to restore the data you misplaced or lost.它连接到您的PC,并有助于恢复您放错位置或丢失的数据。


进行此测试时,可以观察到恢复率非常高,所有丢失的照片,视频,文档以及最佳部件的联系和通话记录也得到了恢复。 这不是很好吗?



This technique is more or less similar to the recovery of data from iTunes;这种技术或多或少类似于从iTunes恢复数据。 all you have to do is provide your Apple ID to recover your data.您所要做的就是提供Apple ID来恢复您的数据。

重要的一点是,您必须关闭双向验证功能 佛博士ne 将 不断通知 你。

好的,所以当我看到必须在其上添加Apple ID的东西时,最初我不确定这样做是否安全,但随后我遇到了Fone博士的创始人Wondershare的免责声明,他们说他们确保不要这样做。保存我们有关Apple ID的任何数据,您可以查看它们的隐私政策。


如果您手头紧,请查看 备份传输优惠券 解决您的 Whatsapp 备份问题。

2nd 测试:

使用恢复数据 Fone博士 从iPad

When I planned to test this on iPad I used a higher version compared to the last one.当我计划在iPad上进行测试时,我使用了比上一个更高的版本。 I noticed quite many changes that were good in terms of organizing and simplifying.我注意到在组织和简化方面有很多不错的更改。

后来,我将此软件连接到了 iPad的 and noticed that it got synced quite well and adapted quickly to iOS.并注意到它已经很好地同步并很快适应了iOS。 I was very happy to see that and excitedly hit the button and started scanning for data.我很高兴看到这一点,兴奋地按下了按钮,开始扫描数据。


Fone Fix博士


我尝试删除一些 图片 之后,还要确保从最近删除的相册中删除它们,然后再次进行测试。


The conclusion to write in this Dr. Fone Review Blog, I can draw from this test is that Dr. Fone is definitely not a great choice for iPad.我可以从此测试中得出结论,在Fone博士评论博客中得出的结论是Fone博士绝对不是iPad的绝佳选择。 However, the current updates might be able to solve certain issues.但是,当前更新可能能够解决某些问题。

3rd 测试:


To begin with, let me first inform you that this program does not support all devices from android although it supports quite many from LG and Samsung.首先,让我首先通知您,尽管该程序支持LG和Samsung的许多设备,但它不支持android的所有设备。 Also, it has shown support for a few models of Motorola, Google, HTC, and Sony.此外,它还显示了对摩托罗拉,谷歌,HTC和索尼的某些型号的支持。

So to be sure if this device works on your smartphone or no I would recommend you try a trial version initially.因此,请确保该设备是否可以在您的智能手机上运行,​​否则我建议您首先尝试使用试用版。 As mentioned in this正如在此提到的 Fone博士 评论,Fone博士提供了多种功能。




人们注意到,只检索了一些图片,联系人和消息,而在设备上已经可以看到这些图像,联系人和消息,我真的很讨厌 扫描方式.




点击这个 链接 有关 Fone 博士的详细替代方案


Let's begin with the main purpose of why Wondershare designed this app.让我们从为什么Wondershare设计此应用程序的主要目的开始。 So, the basic reason for designing this app to recover the data that you have lost or do not have a backup of the data.因此,设计此应用程序以恢复丢失或没有数据备份的数据的基本原因。

In case you have accidentally misplaced your data then Dr. Fone is the best choice for you as it claims to help you to regain your data.万一您不小心放错了数据,那么Fone博士将是您的最佳选择,因为它声称可以帮助您重新获得数据。 This works if you have an android phone or tablet, an iPad, or an iPhone.如果您使用的是Android手机或平板电脑,iPad或iPhone,则可以使用此功能。  

还有人说,如果您的设备被盗或放错位置,Fone博士可以帮助您获取数据。 备份 对于相同的。



Wondershare不断更新功能; here is a list of few of them:以下是其中的一些列表:

  • Viber备份和还原

This is a great feature that helps you to restore your data which includes a variety of attachments, Viber texts, and also your call history.这是一项很棒的功能,可以帮助您还原数据,其中包括各种附件,Viber文本以及通话记录。 This allows you to recover data and save it for a later time.这使您可以恢复数据并保存以备后用。


  • 系统恢复

A system recovery is like a magic wand, have you ever faced this problem with your iPhone that it suddenly just gets blacked out?系统恢复就像魔杖一样,您是否曾经遇到过iPhone突然被涂黑的问题? Or it's stuck to the apple logo?还是贴在苹果徽标上?


  • 完整数据橡皮擦


This helps you to erase the data completely from the device without keeping any backup on your iPhone.这可帮助您从设备上完全删除数据,而无需在iPhone上保留任何备份。 This is only adapted for iOS devices.仅适用于iOS设备。

  • 私人数据橡皮擦


  • Kik备份和还原

这是与Viber Backup相似的功能,唯一的区别是,您可以在此处从Kik应用还原数据,如邮件或附件。


  • WhatsApp备份和还原

Again, a similar one;再次,类似的; this helps you to transfer data from one WhatsApp to another, including all your important files, attachments, messages, etc.这可以帮助您将数据从一个WhatsApp传输到另一个WhatsApp,包括所有重要文件,附件,消息等。


  • 屏幕录影大师

It is completely self-explanatory.这是完全不言自明的。 You can record everything going on your screen all you have to do is connect your smartphone to your PC and sync well with the USB to start this.您可以在屏幕上记录所有要做的事情,就是将智能手机连接到PC并与USB良好同步以启动此操作。

  • 生根

根除设备会完全改变它,这是一项非常冒险的功能,因为一旦根除设备,您可能会失去设备的保修,但是使用此功能,您可以安全地根除设备,或者检查一下 您设备的兼容性.

  • 锁屏移除

This feature is just exactly as the name suggests.该功能正好顾名思义。 It removes the lock screen which will allow you to use functions in your smartphone and provide you complete access.它会删除锁定屏幕,使您可以使用智能手机中的功能并提供完整的访问权限。

This is not compatible with all devices;这并非与所有设备兼容。 it is shown to work great on Samsung devices and LG devices.它在三星设备和LG设备上表现出色。 Disclaimer this feature must not be used for any wrong purpose, the person using this must be the owner of the device or must have permission from the owner.免责声明不得将此功能用于任何错误目的,使用此功能的人必须是设备的所有者,或者必须得到所有者的许可。 

  • 数据备份和还原



One important part is that this does not restore the data of the applications;重要的一点是,这不会还原应用程序的数据。 it only restores the application itself.它仅还原应用程序本身。

  • 数据提取


  • SIM卡解锁

这可以帮助您改变 服务供应商 as per your choice and convenience.根据您的选择和便利。 Unfortunately, this is a very rare feature and supports very few devices that too from Samsung.不幸的是,这是一个非常罕见的功能,并且很少支持三星提供的设备。





了解更多 详细定价







我绝对会说这是4.5 / 5。 


Oh, I would love to mention the support I got from them.噢,我想提一下我从他们那里得到的支持。 They are super helpful and great people.他们是超级乐于助人的好人。 I mailed them about an issue on a Monday and unexpectedly got a reply on Tuesday morning which was really quick and beneficial.我在星期一将有关问题的邮件邮寄给他们,而在星期二的早晨意外地得到了答复,这确实非常快捷和有益。



Pros |优点The Best About Dr. Fone最好的关于Fone博士

  • 它的价格非常经济。
  • 它包含多种特性和功能,可帮助非常有效地管理iOS和Android等设备。
  • 它有助于轻松使用该软件,并通过使用出色的UI / UX很好地理解。
  • 您会收到他们团队的快速电子邮件。

Cons |缺点| Negatives About Dr. Fone关于Fone博士的负面评论

  • 进行研究后,观察到并不是所有东西都可以恢复。

总体评分– 4.1/5

Windows或macOS-的价格 $ 19.95 +

My Say |我说Why Should You Trust Dr. Fone?为什么您应该信任Fone博士?

I'm a person who loves to fidget with my smartphone and always end up in a problem.我是一个喜欢用智能手机烦躁并总是遇到问题的人。 Every time I did this I had to take my smartphone to the customer care and get it repaired and wait for the time I would again get the same device infix.每次执行此操作时,我都必须将智能手机送去客户服务中心进行维修,然后等待我再次获得相同的设备中缀。

This had become like a circle of life where every time I did this, I would just end up spending bucks from my pocket.这就像生活中的一圈,每次我这样做,我最终都会从口袋里掏钱。 Finally, I got fed up with this and had to look for a solution for my own problem, and during this time I came across最后,我受够了,不得不为自己的问题寻找解决方案,在这段时间里,我遇到了 佛博士是什么。

The process of fixing your phone requires a lot of patience and research that I lacked at times.修复手机的过程需要我有时所缺乏的耐心和研究。 Hence, I made a choice to test this amazing software, Dr. Fone.因此,我选择了测试这款出色的软件Fone博士。 Now, moving back to why should you trust me?现在,回到为什么你应该信任我?

Here's the answer in this Dr. Fone Review blog.这是Fone博士评论博客中的答案。 I've had my hands on this software and since I'm not writing this review from Wondershare, the founder or creator of Dr. Fone hence I would provide you with the most honest review.我已经使用过该软件,并且由于我没有撰写Fone博士的创建者或创建者Wondershare的这篇评论,因此,我将为您提供最诚实的评论。


Unfortunately, Dr. Fone did not reach the level of its benchmark when it comes to the recovery of the data.不幸的是,在恢复数据方面,Fone博士没有达到其基准水平。 It provided data that was already available on the device.它提供了设备上已经可用的数据。

Though it is compatible with android, iOS, Mac it did not provide extremely efficient results when the topic of recovering of data came up.尽管它与android,iOS和Mac兼容,但是在出现恢复数据的话题时却没有提供非常有效的结果。 The pictures that were retrieving were not of the original quality.正在检索的图片不是原始质量。




Yes, Dr. Fone designed by Wondershare is definitely a safe choice.是的,Wondershare设计的Fone博士绝对是一个安全的选择。 The team had hands-on both iOS and android programs and both of them were found to be pretty safe.该团队亲身实践了iOS和android程序,并且发现两者都很安全。 No viruses were found in this program and no theft of data was recorded.在此程序中未发现病毒,也未记录任何数据被盗。 It is a much-protected application.这是一个受保护的应用程序。


No, Dr. Fone is not a free program though you can use a trial version initially to check.不,尽管您可以最初使用试用版进行检查,但Fone博士不是免费程序。 One thing you must note is that the trial version does not provide effective results and is very limited but also the paid one has no guarantee.您必须注意的一件事是,试用版无法提供有效的结果,而且功能非常有限,但是付费版不能保证。 During the survey, it was found that people called this a scam program which is not correct at all, yes it is agreed that you do not get 100% results and the entire lost data cannot be retained or recovered but some of it can be definitely found and also it has a number of other features.在调查过程中,人们发现这是一个完全不正确的骗局程序,是的,您同意不会获得XNUMX%的结果,并且无法保留或恢复全部丢失的数据,但是其中一些可以肯定找到了,它还具有许多其他功能。

one Fone博士有哪些其他选择?

  1. PhoneRescue-它支持iOS和android,并且在恢复数据时非常有用。 It costs around $49.95 per license.每个许可证的价格约为XNUMX美元。
  2. iTunes或iCloud备份-这是iPhone,iOS或Mac设备的免费选项。
  3. Stellar iPhone Data Recovery - This program is designed only for iOS and Mac devices and does not support Android devices.恒星iPhone数据恢复-该程序仅适用于iOS和Mac设备,不支持Android设备。 Its price is $49.95.它的价格是$ XNUMX。

结论 | Fone博士评论2024

佛博士ne has a variety of features that provide a huge help.具有多种功能,可提供巨大帮助。 This is a great program at an economical price which provides a lot even when you spend less.这是一个经济实惠的程序,即使您花更少的钱也能提供很多。

希望这个 Fone博士评论2024 对您有帮助。

艾什瓦尔·巴伯(Aishwar Babber)

Aishwar Babber 是一位充满激情的博主和数字营销人员。 他喜欢谈论最新的技术和小玩意并在博客上发表文章,这激发了他跑步的动力 小发明基地. 他目前正在练习他的数字营销、搜索引擎优化和 SMO 专业知识,作为各种项目的全职营销人员。 他是一个积极的投资者 会员湾 以及 ImageStation 的导演。
